3 Ways CCM Enhances the Health of Diabetic Patients

A Centers for Medicare and Medicaid report revealed that approximately 32% of the total spending is attributed to diabetic patients. And according to research, 1 in 4 people doesn’t know they have Diabetes. While some risk factors, like race and family history, can’t be changed, other risk factors, like hypertension, can be controlled.

The best way to control Diabetes is by following a well-executed treatment plan. That is where Chronic Care Management (CCM) comes in. Through this program, diabetic patients can manage their blood glucose levels while preventing other complications.

Three ways CCM is helpful for diabetic patients

#1. Complement Routine

Diabetic management requires accountability from both the patient and their providers. But, a patient will appreciate working with a provider that feels more like a helper than just a practitioner. CCM encourages caregivers to take a gentle but firm approach when caring for their patients. Through this program, patients can have deep compassionate conversations with their providers. As a result, they can encourage patients to stick to their treatment plan and have a positive outlook.

#2. Encourages Mutual Trust

CCM allows healthcare providers to focus entirely on the patient they care for. Through the sessions, they take time to learn about a patient condition, how they feel, their journey, and progress. And they remain supportive all through. As a result, it helps the patient feel confident in the healthcare provider while encouraging trust.

Diabetic people can then learn to be honest with their providers since they trust them and see them as invested partners. Building trust is crucial as it leads to transparency. When the patient and nurses are transparent, it improves better outcomes.

Most times, someone will hide information from their doctors when they don’t feel they have their best interest at heart. However, when caregivers prove they are invested in a patient’s well-being, they can easily open up about their habits and struggles. Therefore, nurses can easily steer them in the right direction as they know everything about the patient.

#3. Better Outcomes

CCM encourages providers to offer services on a case-by-case basis. As such, it promotes better outcomes and reduces hospitalization. According to research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chronic Care Management for people with Diabetes promotes constant blood glucose monitoring, patient engagement, education, and empowerment. It is ultimately leading to an improved sense of well-being.

CCM offers detailed monthly sessions with trained medical staff. Through this patient, the nurses can make medical recommendations and encourage patients to follow them. Additionally, the program encourages frequent monitoring, which contributes to better outcomes.

How Else Can CCM Help?

Chronic care management helps control blood glucose levels. Although Diabetes has no cure, the condition can be effectively managed. Besides monitoring a patient’s medication adherence, CCM providers also engage the patient in other ways to help control their blood glucose levels. Research claims that at least 1 in 3 adults in the United States have prediabetes. This means their blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be categorized as Diabetes. But, if nothing is done, 15-30% of this population will develop Diabetes within five years.

CCM nurses offer patients the proper education about diabetes mellitus. Therefore, they will always be informed about controlling their blood glucose level. Also, these patients are assisted in adopting a healthy lifestyle to improve their condition. Some of the interventions CCM offers for prediabetes/diabetes patients include;

  • Setting a weight loss goal
  • Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle
  • Taking the recommended medication
  • Scheduling routine exercise
  • Updating blood glucose log
  • Monitoring eating habits

Besides these tasks, CCM nurses will also assist patients with specific needs when they need when necessary. CCM allows patients with prediabetes or Diabetes to receive 24/7 support for the emotions they are going through when trying to implement these changes. Providers aim at motivating patients while helping them to prevent future diabetes complications. As such, they can live a long and healthy life.

CCM can also help prevent complications and other health conditions resulting from Diabetes. Providers enlighten the patients about long-term conditions they can get from poor management of this disease. According to research, 68% of diabetic people aged 65 and above die from heart disease and 16% from stroke. Additionally, Diabetes is viewed as among the seven risk factors of cardiovascular disease that can be controlled.

Providers encourage patients to do regular cholesterol screenings to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular issues. They also help monitor cognitive status, skin checks, eye health, and other check-ups to help them point out any developing problems early on.

Final Thoughts

Chronic Care Management is effective in managing chronic conditions. Diabetes is among the conditions that are well-managed through CCM programs. If your medical practice doesn’t offer this service yet, you may want to consider implementing it.

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